The Orwells Take It Easy On New Album "Terrible Human Beings"
/Indie and punk are coming together more and more nowadays. The third album from The Orwells starts to drop the punk influence from the band's music, and instead they take things easy it.
Terrible Human Beings has energy, but nothing too major. 'They Put A Body In The Bayou' opens the record on a standard indie rock note, vibe and everything being pretty safe. That being said, the guitars do sound big with the song's southern tinge. The band does, however, bring in some more energetic riffs in the following track 'Fry,' with a punkier atmosphere with it that packs a stronger punch.
This album doesn't have much going on in it. It's pretty level throughout. There's the same vibe throughout the entire record, but it doesn't really bring it down until the very end. In the core of the record, there really isn't anything to talk about or not. The lyrics for 'Vacation' are pretty bad - songs the rhyme "masturbation" with "vacation" are doomed from the start.
The final track 'Double Feature' is the strongest track on the record. It begins like any other track on the record, but it really proves to pack a big punch. It takes things down a notch at the center and slowly builds up from the bottom and explodes with a lot of energy by its end. It's the appropriate climax to the record, but it really shows that all that powerful energy could have gone elsewhere on the record.
The Orwells took it easy on their new album Terrible Human Beings, but it remains pretty standard throughout. There's not a lot of good energy but all the same, not a lot of bad energy. It's a pretty standard record until the end, where it's potential really shined. The pieces for something great are there, and let's hope they can channel it all in the next one.
Favorite Track: Double Feature
Least Favorite Tracks: Vacation, Ring Pop
Rating: 63 / 100
Buy or listen to Terrible Human Beings here: