The Script Stay Close To Safety In "Freedom Child"

The Script is a band that fades in and out of obscurity every few years. 'Hall Of Fame' used to be a song you couldn't escape, but it's been awhile since we last heard of the band. They're back with a new album, but The Script stay close to safety in Freedom Child.

You don't exactly think of "out of the box" when you think of The Script's music, but that doesn't always mean its a bad thing. There are plenty of enjoyable tracks on Freedom Child, like the trendy beginning 'No Man Is An Island.' A confident track that comes with an uplifting message is always good. The Script are always trying to lift you up in some way, and they do that throughout the album. From the sweet message of 'Arms Open' to the empowering, more flashy 'Written In The Scars,' the band are always trying to keep you spirit on a high.

There's only so many times you can recycle ideas, though. 'Deliverance' is really the only song on the album that stands out as fresh, its cool, relaxed pop tone paired with moody melodies making it stand out. Other songs just don't really leave much of an impact. 'Divided States Of America' attempts, but just as its title reveals, its far too edgy to really make a lasting mark. It's just an edgier version of 'Hall Of Fame.' Other songs are just painfully average, like 'Love Not Lovers' and 'Make Up.' They somehow manage to ripoff Jacob Sartorius on 'Mad Love,' which is something you should never want said about you. 

The Script stay close to safety in Freedom Child, for better and for worse. The band make sure your mood is lifted and your spirit stands high, but at some point you can't stand up straighter. When you hit that point, you just get bored of the polished, pop rock sound. There's not enough meat on this one.

Favorite Track: Deliverance

Least Favorite Tracks: Mad Love, Make Up

Rating: 65 / 100

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