Juke Morris and The Indian Drive Explore Life In "The Ride Begin"

Folk music is all about the lyrics, and they certainly have the power to take you on a journey. That being said, it's quite a competitive genre, so newcomers have to really offer something interesting up. Luckily for Juke Morris and The Indian Drive, they have all the stories they'll need to captivate an audience. Juke Morris and The Indian Drive explore life in The Ride Begin, their debut EP that dives deep into personal anecdote while keeping things catchy.

The Ride Begin captures you from the very start. Opening track 'World Against Love' begins the record with a brooding intro, the haunting lyrics and instrumental providing the perfect background for the ideal creepy folk track. The twangy guitar and frantic percussion supports Morris' tortured wailing for a whopping seven minutes, the track never losing its atmosphere and, while never changing, maintaining a wonderful vibe throughout its playtime. Morris' voice continues to be the highlight for the rest of the EP, it being the center of following track 'Hiding In Silence Enough.' The folky march of 'Bird Eyes' adds a beaten down togetherness before the record ends in a strong note with the reflective 'All I Have Done.' Morris and company never miss a note.

Juke Morris and The Indian Drive explore life in The Ride Begin, drawing from the bottom of their souls to craft something truly haunting and memorable. It's rare to hear a voice that speaks beyond the words it speaks; that's what Morris has been gifted with, and he uses it to its peak capabilities. There's an exciting - and expansive - road ahead for this one.

Favorite Track: World Against Love

Least Favorite Track: All I Have Done

Rating: 76 / 100

Stream or buy The Ride Begin on Apple Music, and follow our 2018 Playlist on Spotify: